Tuesday, August 28, 2007

You're a what???? Part 2

There is a lot more to it sometimes than just typing what the doctor says. You actually have to understand what they are talking about, too. Sometimes a doctor will say the wrong word, and you need to be able to realize that there was an error made. For example, a doctor may say something like "The patient has a history of hyperglycemia, and fingerstick blood sugar today was 50."

Okay, so for those of you who do not know, hyperglycemia would mean high blood sugar. Hypoglycemia would be low blood sugar. And also, for those of you who may not know, 50 is a LOW blood sugar. So even though the doctor may have said hyperglycemia, you would have to know to type hypOglycemia.

See, it is not as easy as you thought, is it.

Part three to come tomorrow!

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